[Tang-residents] Mice Issues - Your Cooperation is Appreciated
Ulas Ziyan
ulas at MIT.EDU
Tue Oct 5 13:08:58 EDT 2004
Tang Residents,
As some of you might have noticed, Tang Hall has been going through a
period with increased mice presence in the building.
Our house manager along with professional exterminators have been
working hard to contain the problem and eliminate the mice in an
effective matter. They have been successful for the most part, and the
mice problem seems to be getting better as the days pass.
However, we need your help in order to better track the mice around the
building and localize our efforts to the areas with more mice sightings.
Your cooperation is essential in order for us to completely eliminate
this potentially hazardous situation.
For that purpose, please visit our web site every time you encounter
mice or mouse droppings in your apartment. It is very important for
effective treatment to report only the current sightings (that happen
after receiving this email), but not the ones in the past.
You can do so at
That form is also accessible via the quick links located on the right
hand side of the Tang Hall web site.
Thanks a lot for your help and support during this period.
If you have any concerns or comments, please feel free to write to me.
Ulas Ziyan
Tang Hall Residents' Association
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