[Tang-residents] Fwd: Water Shut Down Wednesday

Michael Collins collinsm at MIT.EDU
Fri Nov 5 12:23:59 EST 2004

>MONDAY 11-8-04
>9:00AM TO 3:00PM
>Building: TANG HALL
>Date: 11-8--04
>Time: 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
>  System: All domestic water (hot and cold)
>  Duration: 6 hours or less
>  Reason:
>To repair water leakin the pipe between the 2ND and 3RD floor.
>   Effect:
>   Loss of hot and cold domestic water. This means that no bathrooms,
>   showers, kitchens and drinking fountains will be operational during
>   this shutdown.
>Fill bathtub with water for duration of shutdown.   Use this water to 
>flush your toilet. Fill a bucket from the tub and dump it into the toilet 
>bowl.   This will force the toilet to flush.
>To avoid flooding, please be sure all faucets are off and stay off for the 
>duration of the shutdown.  If you try a faucet and find the water is still 
>off, turn the faucet back off.
>Thank you for your patience
>Michael Collins
>Tang Residence Hall
>Westgate Apartments
>Massachusetts Institute of Technology
>Housing Department
>W84-104 617-253-5146
>collinsm at mit.edu
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