[Tang-residents] Fwd: Removal of Abandoned Bikes

Michael Collins collinsm at MIT.EDU
Tue May 4 14:24:56 EDT 2004

>The Parking and Transportation Office is in the process of placing RED 
>TAGS on bicycles which appear to be abandoned on campus. The bulk of the 
>tagging will take place between May 3 and May 14 and bicycle removal will 
>begin on May 17. Tang and Westgate have already been done. A bicycle will 
>not  be removed until a minimum period of two weeks has elapsed after 
>tagging. We will also be identifying and tagging illegally parked bicycles.
>Larry Brutti
>Operations Manager
>Parking and Transportation
>Massachusetts Institute of Technology
>77 Massachusetts Avenue, E32-105
>Cambridge, MA  02139
>Phone: 617-253-5142
>Fax:     617-258-6357
>URL:    http://web@mit.edu/parking

Michael Collins
Tang Residence Hall
Westgate Apartments
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Housing Department
W84-104  617-253-5146
collinsm at mit.edu
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