[Tang-residents] Sports Year in Review distribution

Vikas Anant vik at MIT.EDU
Fri Jul 16 07:32:41 EDT 2004

Dear Tang Residents,

This year, Tang had an excellent year of athletics, with active
participation in a wide range of intramural sports, which brought both
enjoyment and success. We decided to commemorate this by launching a
color Tang Sports Year in Review, complete with season reviews and
photos for all of the sports teams. This was made possible through the
efforts of the individual team captains and compiled at short notice by
Mimi Lee.

As the review is focused entirely on sports, we decided not to
distribute hard copies to every resident, as we do with the Tang
Newsletters which are of broader appeal. Therefore we thought the best
way of distributing it would be to email a link to it for everyone, so that you can
print yourself a copy if you would like one. (A color version in
particular looks very slick.)


Have a great summer,
Alex Edmans
Athletics Chair 

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