[Tang-residents] Fwd: Bulletin - Campus Larcenies

Michael Collins collinsm at MIT.EDU
Thu Dec 9 11:28:47 EST 2004

>Issued: December 9, 2004
>           Please be advised that historically this time of year has
>shown an increase of larcenies from many Institute buildings, including
>residence halls. We have recently noticed a significant increase of
>daytime larcenies from unlocked residence hall rooms. Items stolen
>include:laptop computers, backpacks, wallets and credit cards. Items
>stolen were most often left unlocked and unattended for "only a minute."
>These thefts occur at various times of the day and night, too.
>           Cambridge Police report that the college student population of
>Cambridge is alluring to local criminals. Criminals often consider
>students unsuspecting prey.
>           Here are some crime prevention tips to help reduce the chance
>of victimization:
>           Never leave property unattended, even for a brief time, no
>matter how "safe the area looks." Thieves are looking for the
>opportunity to steal unattended items - cash, wallets, credit cards,
>checks, laptops and cell phones.
>              If you are leaving your office, lab or dorm room - lock the
>Together we can reduce the opportunity, by locking these areas and by
>not leaving items unattended - not even for a minute.
>           Money and credit or debit cards aren't the only things of
>value in your wallet! Social Security numbers allow scam artist and/or
>thieves to do just about anything. Reduce the number of credit cards you
>actively use to a bare minimum and carry only one or two in your wallet.
>To learn more about identity theft
>see: <http://www.consumer.gov/idtheft/>
>           Report suspicious persons or activity - IMMEDIATELY to the MIT
>Police. To contact the MIT Police in an Emergency - dial 100 from any
>Institute telephone, or 617-253-1212. The MIT Police
>are patrolling the campus 24 hours a day 365 days a year. You are the
>eyes and of this community and we appreciate your attention, which
>continue to make this a safe community.
>Distributed by the MIT Police
>Crime Prevention Unit
>Cheryl Vossmer                          Phone: (617) 253-9755
>Sergeant, Crime Prevention Unit         Fax:    (617) 253-8822
>MIT Police                                      <http://web.mit.edu/cp/www/>
>77 Massachusetts Ave., W31-215
>Cambridge, MA 02139

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