[Tang-residents] Cambridgeport Street Robbery Update

Michael Collins collinsm at MIT.EDU
Wed Dec 1 08:23:14 EST 2004

>        The MIT Crime Prevention Unit suggests the following
>   safety precautions:
>This time of year street robberies seem to increase due to the mild
>weather, early darkness and the upcoming holidays. Have a safety plan -
>play the "what if game" - what if something happened what would I do?
>Are there any safety resources for me to utilize, such as stores,
>businesses or a building that might be open? Know the locations of blue
>light emergency telephones?
>If you are robbed, obey the robber's instructions.
>Keeping your cash in a separate pouch or money clip might allow you to
>hand it over without sacrificing your credit cards, identification, or
>personal papers.
>Try to memorize your robber's physical features, clothing, motor
>vehicle, and direction of flight. Be the best possible witness.
>If it is at all possible walk with others especially after dark, there
>is usually safety in numbers. If you are walking together do not
>separate when you are approached by someone. Stay together!
>If you are the victim of a crime or see suspicious activity on campus,
>contact the MIT Police, immediately. Dial "100" from any campus
>telephone or 617-253-1212. Program it into your cell phone!
>All calls to 911 from a cell phone go to the State Police in Framingham,
>Massachusetts and are then transferred back to the Cambridge Police.
>If you must walk alone at night, use well-lit roads, with as much  car
>traffic as possible, and walk near the curb.
>When streets are relatively empty, make eye contact with everyone you
>pass, and keep yourself an arm's length away from them. Walk briskly and
>At night, avoid public parks, vacant lots, and areas with
>excessive trees and bushes.
>Anyone with information on these crimes are asked to call the Cambridge
>Police Department at 617-349-3300.
>Cheryl Vossmer                      Phone: (617) 253-9755
>Sergeant                                Fax:    (617) 253-8822
>Crime Prevention and Community Policing
>The Police at MIT http://web.mit.edu/cp/www/
>77 Massachusetts Ave., W31-215
>Cambridge, MA 02139

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