[Tang-residents] Fwd: Missing Vacuums

Michael Collins collinsm at MIT.EDU
Wed Apr 28 12:07:30 EDT 2004

Final Notice.

  If you currently still have a vacuum and its not returned by 6pm tonight 
back to the Tang Desk,  a $25.00 fine will be posted to your bursars account.

Thanks for your cooperation

>Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2004 09:03:34 -0400
>To: tang-residents at mit.edu
>From: Michael Collins <collinsm at mit.edu>
>Subject: Missing Vacuums
>  Hello,
>  I ask that you look around in your suite to see if there is a vacuum 
> that belongs to the Front Desk. Kindly return back to the Front Desk for 
> other residents to use.
>Some are overdue and need to be returned today.
>Thank you!
>Michael Collins
>Tang Residence Hall
>Westgate Apartments
>Massachusetts Institute of Technology
>Housing Department
>W84-104  617-253-5146
>collinsm at mit.edu
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