[StarCluster] crash-report-11478.txt

Vladimir Trifonov VTrifonov at gnf.org
Thu Jun 23 18:43:37 EDT 2016


I just installed starcluster and am … trying to start a cluster. Unfortunately, "startcluster start mycluster" produced the attached crash report. The cluster afterwards is seemingly running. I can ssh into the master/node, although 'starcluster sshmaster/node’ logs in as root, not as sgeadmin. In fact, there is no sgeadmin in the created instance (although there is ubuntu). Also SGE does not seem to be installed because qstat returns (this is probably  a “problem” with the ami-04bedf34 that I am using)

The program 'qstat' can be found in the following packages:
 * gridengine-client
 * slurm-llnl-torque
 * torque-client
 * torque-client-x11

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