[StarCluster] Using miniconda on EBS volume to run ipython notebook with ipcluster plugin on starcluster

Jacob Barhak jacob.barhak at gmail.com
Fri Dec 2 02:30:51 EST 2016

So Dylan,

It seems you are trying to bypass installation. I suggest avoiding

Using code in centralized storage also implies you need to make sure code
is accessible.

If you install whatever you need on each node upon startup you should be
good unless I am missing somethings.

In any case, getting back to basics and simplifying things may help.

Good luck.


On Dec 2, 2016 1:29 AM, "Dylan Kotliar" <dkotliar at broadinstitute.org> wrote:

> Hi Jacob,
> Thanks for the response. Since IPython is installed on the EBS volume, it
> should be accessible by all nodes. The only issue is that the EBS volume
> needs to be on the python path at the time the plugin execute. I have
> gotten around this by having a .bashrc file with the lines:
> export PATH="path_to_EBS_volume/bin/miniconda2/bin:$PATH"
> source activate python2
> that gets copied to the root directory upon startup. However, this .bashrc
> file is not getting sourced prior to running the ipcluster plugin. I tried
> to address this by extending the IPCluster class to include the following
> in the run method:
>     for node in nodes:
>         node.ssh.execute("source ~/.bashrc")
> However, I still get the "!!! ERROR - IPython is not installed!" error. If
> I comment out the call to _check_ipython_installed, it fails further on
> with ipython not found.
> Thanks,
> Dylan
> On Thu, Dec 1, 2016 at 2:38 PM, Jacob Barhak <jacob.barhak at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> So Dylan,
>> Did you install Ipython on all nodes?
>> It is the first thing that comes to mind.
>> There are plugins that come with starcluster to install other software
>> through pip.  Did you use one of there?
>> The third thing at comes to mind is using the Ipython plugin:
>> http://star.mit.edu/cluster/docs/latest/plugins/ipython.html
>> #ipcluster-plugin
>> It is hard to fully understand what you do, yet I hope on of these paths
>> will be relevant towards a solution.
>>         Jacob
>> On Nov 30, 2016 5:06 PM, "Dylan Kotliar" <dkotliar at broadinstitute.org>
>> wrote:
>>> Hello all,
>>> I am currently using Starcluster by mounting an EBS volume containing
>>> much of the software I want to use including python as version controlled
>>> by miniconda. I have written a plugin that copies necessary hidden files
>>> (e.g. .bashrc) to the home directory so that the environment is configured
>>> when I ssh to the master node and the python stored on the EBS volume is
>>> used by default.
>>> Now I would like to use the ipcluster plugin to open ipython notebooks
>>> in the cluster. However, I get the error message:
>>> Running plugin starcluster.plugins.ipcluster.IPCluster !!! ERROR -
>>> Error occured while running plugin 'starcluster.plugins.ipcluster.IPCluster':
>>> !!! ERROR - IPython is not installed!
>>> This must be because the ipcluster plugin is using the default version
>>> of python rather than my version controlled version. This is despite the
>>> fact that when I ssh to the cluster, the python in the environment is the
>>> correct one (the one on the EBS volume). Any suggestions on how to
>>> circumvent this?
>>> Thanks!
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> --
> Dylan Kotliar,
> Harvard Medical School (HST) / Systems Biology PhD Program
> MD/PhD candidate
> Phone: 732-379-0215
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