[StarCluster] available StarCluster AMIs for g2.2xlarge on EC2

Chris Paciorek paciorek at stat.berkeley.edu
Tue Mar 4 19:37:40 EST 2014

I can use StarCluster to start a g2.2xlarge VM using an AMI I have
developed, but when I try to use StarCluster to start a g2.2xlarge VM using
several different StarCluster Ubuntu 12.04 HVM 64-bit AMIs (e.g.,
ami-486afe78 in the Oregon region) I get an error that

"Instances of type 'g2.2xlarge' may not be launched from AMI 'ami-486afe78'

Are there currently any StarCluster AMIs that work with g2.2xlarge?
(Ideally an Ubuntu 12.04 image...)

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