[StarCluster] Best approach to modifying StarCluster code

Ramon Ramirez-Linan rlinan at navteca.com
Thu Dec 11 16:17:31 EST 2014


We are currently using SciDB in the AWS cloud. I am using StarCluster to
configure the infrastructure on AWS. With SciDB the compute nodes are
required to have the data locally, so every compute node has a data EBS

The problem that I am having is that StarClusters terminates the node
including the EBS volume when they become no-responsive (after 15 minutes).
This force us to ingest the data again in the whole cluster.

I want to change this behaviour so instead of terminating non-responsive
nodes it will
-detach the EBS data volume,
-terminate the failed EC2,
-start another EC2,
-attach the data volume to the new node
-and add the node to the cluster.

What is the best approach to modifying StarCluster in this manner? Should I
just hack the base code or else?

Thanks in advance

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