[StarCluster] New Plugin

Gary Waters gwaters at caltech.edu
Wed Apr 23 13:19:30 EDT 2014


I am trying to write a new plugin for StarCluster, but I am having an
issue during the "addnode" process of "starcluster addnode MYCLUSTER".

I have thrown in many print statements, but I havent figured out how the
system knows about which users to assign. I see that during the
"addnode" process that the CreateUsers Plugin is called early and users
are passed.  Then the CreateUsers Plugin gets called again during the
"on_add_node" plugin call.

Where do these users credentials live? I originally thought it was the
BATCH_FILE in /root/.users/users.txt, but that isnt what is being read
in here.

Any help would be much appreciated.


Gary Waters
Systems Administrator
IMSS Academic Computing Solutions
IMSS High Performance Computing
Electrical Engineering Dept & Humanities Social Sciences Division
California Institute of Technology

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