[StarCluster] StarCluster AMI for New GPU instance?

Syoyo Fujita syoyofujita at gmail.com
Tue Nov 26 09:12:59 EST 2013

Hello StarCluster-es,

I am interesting to build a cluster(MPI + CUDA) with StarCluster for
EC2's new GPU instance(g2.2xlarge), but this instance type requires
specific AMI to run.
Existing StarCluster AMI simply failed to run. Confirmed so far is

- Amazon Linux AMI (HVM) 2013.09.1 - ami-d1bfe4b8
- Amazon Linux AMI with NVIDIA GRID GPU Driver

So I'd like to contribute public StarCluster AMI based on this, but
how can create a StartCluster-ready AMI?

I've granted document but couldn't find specific procedures to build
AMI for StarCluster.

Is it OK to just install libraries described in this page?


Thanks in advance,


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