[StarCluster] Using a hi-I/O instance as the master node in a StarCluster Cluster

Oppe, Thomas C ERDC-RDE-ITL-MS Contractor Thomas.C.Oppe at erdc.dren.mil
Fri Jan 4 11:06:42 EST 2013

Dear Sir:

I was wondering if anyone has tried using a high-performance I/O instance (e.g., "hi1.4xlarge") as the master node in a StarCluster cluster, with the other nodes being Sandy Bridge "cc2.8xlarge" instances.  When I bring up a single "hi1.4xlarge" instance outside of StarCluster, there is an option to attach one or two 1-TB SSD disks, but when I bring up a cluster with "hi1.4xlarge" as the master node, the SSD disks are nowhere to be found.  Is a plug-in necessary to ask for the SSD disks to be available?  I have a code that needs the fastest I/O available for writes with a combined size of 100GB during the run.  I have tried single Standard and Provisioned IOPS EBS volumes, but the I/O performance to these volumes is poor, even with "pre-warming".  Has anyone written a plug-in for using striped volumes in StarCluster?  I would appreciate any comments or pointers to information.

Tom Oppe
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