[StarCluster] IPython cluster plugin questions and suggested improvements

Olivier Grisel olivier.grisel at ensta.org
Tue Oct 16 05:55:00 EDT 2012


I have a couple of questions for the ipcluster plugin:

1- Is there an (dev) 64bit AMI with the latest stable release of
IPython (0.13) instead of 0.12?
2- Would it be possible to extend the ipcluster plugin to have the
nodes install the dev version of ipython instead of the system version
on startup? For instance by cloning a tag or a specific branch
(master) of the IPython github repo.
3- Would be possible to make ipcluster not use SGE for engine
configuration and only use ssh instead, for instance as documented in
this very short blog post:
The goal would be to speedup cluster startup by skipping the SGE

If you think 2 and 3 are desirable contributions for the project I can
work on 2 pull requests for those.


http://twitter.com/ogrisel - http://github.com/ogrisel

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