[StarCluster] how does the loadbalancer know how much to bid for a node

Justin Riley jtriley at MIT.EDU
Wed Nov 14 11:50:11 EST 2012

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Hi Bruce/Raj,

Yes, this is still the case. When you run the loadbalancer on a spot
cluster it will always launch spot instances when adding nodes using
the original spot bid used to create the initial cluster. In the
future we should probably allow overriding the spot bid via the
"loadbalance" command...


On 10/31/2012 01:15 PM, Rajat Banerjee wrote:
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Bruce Hoff <bruce.hoff at sagebase.org 
> <mailto:bruce.hoff at sagebase.org>> To: starcluster at mit.edu
> <mailto:starcluster at mit.edu> Cc: Date: Tue, 30 Oct 2012 09:46:11
> -0700 Subject: [StarCluster] how does the loadbalancer know how
> much to bid for a node Hi: When using spot instances and the load
> balancer, how the load balancer decide how much to bid when adding
> a new node? Thanks, Bruce Hoff Sage Bionetworks
> Hi Bruce, The loadbalancer uses cluster.add_nodes to add new nodes.
> I remember from testing that it used to use the same price that you
> set for bids when the cluster was created. Things have changed, but
> it looks like (in cluster.py) add_nodes still uses the bid price
> that you specified when creating the cluster.
> The source is in: 
> https://github.com/jtriley/StarCluster/blob/develop/starcluster/cluster.py
, search for add_nodes
> Best, Rajat Banerjee
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