[StarCluster] Running command on nodes using IP address of the master as parameter

Justin Riley jtriley at MIT.EDU
Fri Aug 3 11:21:23 EDT 2012

Hi Sebastien,

Welcome and glad you're enjoying StarCluster thus far :D

Are you using a plugin to do the setup? If so you can get the private ip
address of the master, e.g.:

def run(self, nodes, master, user, user_shell, volumes):
    log.info("Master node public ip: %s" % master.ip_address)
    log.info("Master node private ip: %s" % master.private_ip_address)

With that said, have you checked whether the command you're running
accepts hostnames? If so you should be able to use 'master:<port>' on
any node in the cluster instead of looking up the ip address of the
master each time...



On Thu, Aug 02, 2012 at 04:19:23PM -0400, Sébastien Arnaud wrote:
>    Hi,
>    I am new to starCluster, but I am loving it already! I am trying to setup
>    a config so that I can spawn automatically doRedis backed clusters for R
>    computations, and I have it all pretty much ready, except that I can't
>    seem to figure out how to get the IP address of the master which I can use
>    as a parameter to run in a command I would run on the nodes as a plugin.
>    Thank you in advance for any pointers!
>    Cheers,
>    Sébastien Arnaud

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