[StarCluster] Local machine for development

Chi Chan chichan2008 at gmail.com
Wed Apr 11 12:33:23 EDT 2012

On Wed, Apr 11, 2012 at 10:14 AM, Wen Siang Lin <wensiang.lin at gmail.com> wrote:
> So, I want to build a local machine that is fully compatible with EC2, and
> mount starcluster.

There is nothing special about EC2, you can just use Ubuntu 11.10 on
your local machine, and it is "fully compatible" with an instance
running the starcluster-base-ubuntu-11.10-x86 AMI on EC2.


> Thanks.
> On Tue, Apr 10, 2012 at 9:43 PM, Ron Chen <ron_chen_123 at yahoo.com> wrote:
>> Eucalyptus is still not fully compatible with EC2.
>> Also, one does not need a private cloud just for development, unless what
>> he is
>> developing is StarCluster itself.
>>  -Ron
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: Matthew Summers <matthew.summers at liquidustech.com>
>> If you want to work locally, the so-called Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud
>> (UEC) system will do it, using Eucalyptus I believe. I think its fully
>> compatible with AWS EC2 and therefore Starcluster. You will need the
>> Starcluster AMIs, as noted by a previous poster. Hit this link and
>> scroll down a bit http://www.ubuntu.com/download/server/download
>> Grumble grumble *GENTOO* grumble grumble.
>> Cheers!
>> --
>> Matthew W. Summers
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