[StarCluster] !!! ERROR - Oops! Looks like you've found a bug in StarCluster

Nolan Nichols bnniii at uw.edu
Mon Aug 8 02:23:49 EDT 2011

Hi Justin,

Thanks for the pointer... I used 'pip install StarCluster' and version 'boto
2.0b3' was installed. It seems like the default version of boto that is in
installed via pypi is 2.0b3.

After downloading the 'boto 2.0b4' tarball and installing it manually via
'python setup.py install' I was able to start up a cluster.



On Sun, Aug 7, 2011 at 8:30 PM, Justin Riley <jtriley at mit.edu> wrote:

> Hi Nolan,
> I suspect this might be a version mismatch for boto. StarCluster 0.92rc2
> requires boto 2.0b4. You can check the currently installed boto version
> using:
> $ python -c 'import boto; print boto.Version'
> If this is the case, running 'easy_install StarCluster' or, if you
> downloaded manually, 'python setup.py install' should pull in the required
> boto version assuming you have setuptools installed.
> ~Justin
> On Aug 7, 2011, at 2:50 PM, Nolan Nichols wrote:
> Hello,
> I got the error below when trying to start a starcluster. Log attached.
> Thanks,
> Nolan
> --
> (test)nolan at nolan-mac:~ starcluster start mycluster
> StarCluster - (http://web.mit.edu/starcluster) (v. 0.92rc2)
> Software Tools for Academics and Researchers (STAR)
> Please submit bug reports to starcluster at mit.edu
> >>> Using default cluster template: smallcluster
> >>> Validating cluster template settings...
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File
> "/Users/nolan/.virtualenv/test/lib/python2.7/site-packages/starcluster/cli.py",
> line 155, in main
>     sc.execute(args)
>   File
> "/Users/nolan/.virtualenv/test/lib/python2.7/site-packages/starcluster/commands/start.py",
> line 175, in execute
>     scluster._validate(validate_running=validate_running)
>   File
> "/Users/nolan/.virtualenv/test/lib/python2.7/site-packages/starcluster/cluster.py",
> line 1345, in _validate
>     self._validate_instance_types()
>   File
> "/Users/nolan/.virtualenv/test/lib/python2.7/site-packages/starcluster/cluster.py",
> line 1481, in _validate_instance_types
>     self.__check_platform(node_image_id, node_instance_type)
>   File
> "/Users/nolan/.virtualenv/test/lib/python2.7/site-packages/starcluster/cluster.py",
> line 1442, in __check_platform
>     image_is_hvm = (image.virtualization_type == "hvm")
> AttributeError: 'Image' object has no attribute 'virtualization_type'
> !!! ERROR - Oops! Looks like you've found a bug in StarCluster
> !!! ERROR - Debug file written to: /tmp/starcluster-debug-nolan.log
> !!! ERROR - Look for lines starting with PID: 12940
> !!! ERROR - Please submit this file, minus any private information,
> !!! ERROR - to starcluster at mit.edu
>  <starcluster-debug-nolan-PID-12940.log><ATT00001..c>
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