[StarCluster] Fwd: StarCluster not mounting EBS volume correctly

Justin Riley jtriley at MIT.EDU
Wed Oct 27 22:52:27 EDT 2010

  On 10/27/10 4:00 PM, Dan Tenenbaum wrote:
> Then I tried passing the ami id for my own 64-bit image based on the 
> starcluster image, and apparently the createvolume command expects to 
> run with a 32-bit AMI:
Also fixed in github. Added a -I option that allows specifying the 
instance type. Need to add validation that you've specified a compatible 
image id/instance type (on the list). 32bit is 'enforced' (accidentally) 
in the 0.91 case because it's cheapest and size/arch doesn't matter when 


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