[StarCluster] [newb] failed to start
Neal Becker
ndbecker2 at gmail.com
Wed Oct 27 21:19:32 EDT 2010
First test, failed to detect start
After waiting for a while at the 'Waiting for cluster to start', I went to
amazon ec2 console and saw the 2 instances were running, at which point I did
^C to starcluster cli.
starcluster start smallcluster
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StarCluster - (http://web.mit.edu/starcluster)
Software Tools for Academics and Researchers (STAR)
Please submit bug reports to starcluster at mit.edu
>>> Using default cluster template: smallcluster
>>> Validating cluster template settings...
>>> Cluster template settings are valid
>>> Starting cluster...
>>> Launching a 2-node cluster...
>>> Launching master node...
>>> Master AMI: ami-d1c42db8
>>> Creating security group @sc-masters...
>>> Creating security group @sc-smallcluster...
>>> Launching worker nodes...
>>> Node AMI: ami-d1c42db8
>>> Waiting for cluster to start.../ C-c C-ccli.py:1079 - ERROR - Request to
start cluster 'smallcluster' was cancelled
cli.py:1079 - ERROR -
cli.py:1079 - ERROR - Please be aware that instances may still be running.
cli.py:1079 - ERROR - You can check this from the output of:
cli.py:1079 - ERROR -
cli.py:1079 - ERROR - $ starcluster listclusters
cli.py:1079 - ERROR -
cli.py:1079 - ERROR - If you wish to destroy these instances please run:
cli.py:1079 - ERROR -
cli.py:1079 - ERROR - $ starcluster stop smallcluster
cli.py:1079 - ERROR -
cli.py:1079 - ERROR - You can then use:
cli.py:1079 - ERROR -
cli.py:1079 - ERROR - $ starcluster listinstances
cli.py:1079 - ERROR -
cli.py:1079 - ERROR - to verify that the instances have been terminated.
cli.py:1079 - ERROR -
cli.py:1079 - ERROR - Another option is to use the AWS management console to
cli.py:1079 - ERROR - terminate the instances manually.
cli.py:1079 - ERROR -
cli.py:1079 - ERROR - If you would like to re-use these instances, rerun the
cli.py:1079 - ERROR - same start command with the --no-create option
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