[Starcluster] Using starcluster as a library

Austin Godber godber at uberhip.com
Sat May 15 09:22:23 EDT 2010

I am playing with using starcluster as a library and its been 
straightforward and easy to use so far with the exception of after I 
start the cluster the code doesn't return.  Cluster launches fine.  Are 
there some connections I need to close?  I have taken a look at 
cluster.start and theres nothing apparent.

Anyone know offhand?  Otherwise I will dig into it this afternoon.


- Austin

The code's trivial and essentially the snippet from the end of cluster.py:

#!/usr/bin/env python

import starcluster.config

if __name__ == "__main__":
     cfg = starcluster.config.StarClusterConfig(); cfg.load()
     sc =  cfg.get_cluster_template('smallcluster', 'mynewcluster')
     if sc.is_valid():

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