[Starcluster] URGENT: Old Starcluster 32-bit AMI needed
Justin Riley
jtriley at MIT.EDU
Wed Mar 3 14:10:03 EST 2010
Hash: SHA1
Hi Seppo,
I'm curious as well. I just sent this issue to webservices at amazon.com as
well asking what happened. I'll keep the list posted on what they say.
On 03/03/2010 02:08 PM, Seppo Sahrakorpi wrote:
> Hi Justin,
> No problem. Thanks for all your work in rebuilding the AMIs. Please keep
> us posted when they are available.
> I am curious to hear from Amazon what happened to the originals.
> Thanks,
> Seppo
> On 3/3/10 2:02 PM, Justin Riley wrote:
> Dan,
> Thanks for supplying your public AMI for the time being and also the
> extra notes about your optimized scipy/numpy installation.
> Sappo,
> I'd like to add that I'm currently rebuilding the ubuntu 9.04
> starcluster public ami's and should have them by the end of the day
> today.
> Also, they will contain optimized numpy/scipy/atlas/lapack/etc installed
> in the global python install by default.
> Stay tuned and again my apologies for this mishap.
> ~Justin
> On 03/03/2010 01:37 PM, Dan Yamins wrote:
>>>> Hi Seppo,
>>>> One quick comment about that AMI that Justin reminded me of: I did my
>>>> own installation and optimization of numpy and scipy, to get later
>>>> versions than were originally present in the starcluster AMI and the
>>>> correct some problems in the original optimization procedure. I put
>>>> these installations in a different place than the original, so as not to
>>>> blow the original installations away. If you want to use my
>>>> installations (recommended I think), you'll have to add the following to
>>>> your PYTHONPATH:
>>>> /usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages
>>>> Once you've done that, you should run the test suite, e.g:
>>>>>>> import numpy
>>>>>>> numpy.test()
>>>> You should get 1 known fail (K) and 11 skips (S).
>>>> If this is not what you get, make sure you[re using the right version of
>>>> numpy. My installation is version 1.3.0:
>>>>>>> numpy.version.version
>>>> '1.3.0'
>>>> while the original installation is version 1.2.x (I think).
>>>> Dan
>>>> On Tue, Mar 2, 2010 at 4:42 PM, Seppo Sahrakorpi <seppo at seas.harvard.edu
>>>> <mailto:seppo at seas.harvard.edu>> wrote:
>>>> Hi Dan, and Justin,
>>>> Thank you for the quick responses.
>>>> Dan, thank you very much for the quick fix. Your AMI works for our
>>>> needs. Please keep this AMI for the moment, and let us know if
>>>> you plan
>>>> on removing it. Again, thank you for helping us out.
>>>> Justin, it seems that the old AMI is still registered and listed,
>>>> but is
>>>> not anymore actually available for use. If we try to launch the
>>>> AMI, we
>>>> get this:
>>>> HTTP 403 (Forbidden) response for URL
>>>> http://s3.amazonaws.com:80/starcluster/starcluster-base-ubuntu-9.04-i386-rc1.manifest.xml:
>>>> check your S3 ACLs are correct.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Seppo
>>>> On 3/2/10 4:30 PM, Justin Riley wrote:
>>>> > Hi Seppo,
>>>> >
>>>> > Sorry to hear you're having issues. I just checked the image in
>>>> ElasticFox and
>>>> > it's there and publicly available. So, I'm afraid there's not much
>>>> I can do.
>>>> > Are you getting an error? Can you see the image in ElasticFox?
>>>> >
>>>> > Thanks Dan for offering your AMI for the time being, however, I'd
>>>> like to get
>>>> > to the bottom of this.
>>>> >
>>>> > ~Justin
>>>> >
>>>> > On Tuesday 02 March 2010 4:17:53 pm Seppo Sahrakorpi wrote:
>>>> >> Hi Justin,
>>>> >>
>>>> >> The previous 32-bit Starcluster AMI 'ami-0330d16a' is seemingly
>>>> missing
>>>> >> now. Could you please re-enable / reinstall the old AMI as
>>>> soon as
>>>> >> possible.
>>>> >>
>>>> >> We are currently actively using Starcluster package for a course
>>>> here at
>>>> >> Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, so quick
>>>> >> recovery/resolution of this is of great importance to us.
>>>> >>
>>>> >> Thanks,
>>>> >> Seppo
>>>> >>
>>>> >> PS: We tried the new AMI ami-bb709dd2 w/ the original Starcluster
>>>> 0.90
>>>> >> version that we have installed and are using, but that does not
>>>> work out
>>>> >> of the box.
>>>> >>
>>>> --
>>>> Seppo Sahrakorpi, Ph.D.
>>>> Senior Research Engineer, User Services Lead
>>>> Instructional and Research Computing Services
>>>> Harvard University School of Engineering and Applied Sciences IT
>>>> Maxwell Dworkin MD211, 33 Oxford St., Cambridge, MA 02138
>>>> Phone: 617-495-3411 Email: seppo at seas.harvard.edu
>>>> <mailto:seppo at seas.harvard.edu>
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