[Starcluster] WebFeedback - cluster: StarCluster sporadically fails to mount my EBS volume Somet... [help.mit.edu #1262488]

Dean Snyder dean.snyder at jhu.edu
Wed Jun 16 10:40:50 EDT 2010

Justin Riley wrote at 10:27 AM on Wednesday, June 16, 2010:

>I've increased the banner timeout to 30s in the github version of the
>code. This code will be released as 0.91.1 in the next couple of weeks.
>That being said, you should be able to test my fix for this problem by
>using the latest github code or simply copying ssh.py from the github
>code into your site-packages.

But my ssh.py already has a timeout of 30:

class Connection(object):
    def __init__(self,
                 username = None,
                 password = None,
                 private_key = None,
                 private_key_pass = None,
                 port = 22,
        self._timeout = timeout

Dean A. Snyder
Senior Programmer/Analyst
Center for Inherited Disease Research (CIDR)
Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
Bayview Research Campus
333 Cassell Dr, Triad Bldg, Suite 2000
Baltimore, MD 21224
cell:717 668-3048 office:410-550-4629

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