[Starcluster] Problems after rebundling / ssh keys?

Justin Riley jtriley at MIT.EDU
Tue Feb 9 12:02:15 EST 2010

Hi Robert,

You guessed it. I recently discovered this same problem after trying to create 
a new 9.10 karmic AMI for StarCluster a couple days ago. Luckily I was simply 
using the wrong base AMI's and not the ones he published on alestic.com. I 
made the mistake, unfortunately, of simply picking an AMI from ElasticFox. In 
any event, with his latest 9.10 AMI's, this problem seems to have gone away.

For the short term, yes modifying that script in the current StarCluster 
public AMI should fix the issues you and others have been having with 
rebundled instances not coming up. The reason that script keeps StarCluster 
from running a rebundled cluster is that StarCluster relies on ssh being fully 
functional to do it's magic and without that /etc/rcS.d/S50ec2-ssh-host-key-
gen script executing ssh doesn't work. 

I'm actually in the process of creating a new AMI as I type this email.
I'll make it public as soon as I can successfully launch a cluster. I will 
also be posting my "recipe" for building this new StarCluster AMI from the 
ground up in the starcluster documentation.

I'm testing this new ami with the latest version of StarCluster on github, 
however, it should in theory still work for the 0.90 version. For those of you 
that are interested in helping me test StarCluster, please have a look at 
installing the latest development version:


Thanks for bringing this up and hope that helps,

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