[Starcluster] EC2 AMI creation

Justin Riley jtriley at MIT.EDU
Thu Dec 17 16:01:24 EST 2009


All this stuff will change to a better system in the next version.

The host number is the number on the left of the list of instances when 
running starcluster -l:

$ starcluster -l
StarCluster - (http://web.mit.edu/starcluster)
Author: justin.t.riley 'at' gmail 'dot' com
Please submit bug reports to starcluster 'at' mit 'dot' edu 
>>> EC2 Instances:
[0] ec2-174-129-113-176.compute-1.amazonaws.com running (ami-0330d16a)
[1] ec2-75-101-202-225.compute-1.amazonaws.com running (ami-0330d16a)

The bucket is essentially a folder in s3 that the image will be stored under. 
You can learn more about this by reading the AWS Getting Started Guide:


Specifically this page describes rebundling an EC2 image:


It's useful to read through this stuff to be familiar with the concepts. The 
create_image.py script is basically doing all of the image rebundling work for 

BTW, this list IS a mailman list. We do have archives but we haven't had many 
posts given that this is a relatively new list:


You must join the list before you can look at the archives.

Hope that helps!


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