[scripts-announce] Brief sql.mit.edu outage tomorrow morning around 6 AM

Geoffrey Thomas geofft at MIT.EDU
Sun Jan 16 15:25:11 EST 2011


In order to ensure the continued reliability of the sql.mit.edu backup and 
replication infrastructure, we'll be having a brief outage of the primary 
MySQL server to make a fresh, consistent copy of the data. This will take 
place tomorrow morning, January 17, currently planned for sometime between 
5:30 and 7 AM, and will ideally last less than about ten to fifteen 
minutes. In addition, there's a chance of reduced performance for a few 
hours, not planned to last beyond noon, as we copy that data to the backup 

This is essentially also an outage for all database-backed scripts.mit.edu 
sites. Since tomorrow is a federal and MIT holiday, we are hoping that an 
early-morning outage for a couple of minutes will not seriously affect 
anyone. Please contact sql at mit.edu with any questions or concerns; updates 
will be posted on the http://scripts.mit.edu/ and http://sql.mit.edu/ home 

Geoffrey Thomas
for the scripts.mit.edu and sql.mit.edu teams
sql at mit.edu

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