[scripts-announce] Fedora 13 is now live on Scripts

Edward Z. Yang ezyang at MIT.EDU
Sat Oct 23 13:01:06 EDT 2010

Hello all,

Due to unforseen technical difficulties [1], the Fedora 13 transition
was delayed.  We are now happy to report that our production cluster
is now running all Fedora 13 machines.  There maybe some technical
difficulties as we finish up the last steps of migration, and if you
run into any problems, please don't hesitate to contact us at
scripts at mit.edu


[1] Specifically, a critical piece of our infrastructure (mod_fcgid)
was buggy on Fedora 13 such that user FastCGI applications would continually
spawn, consuming more and more server resources until the servers crashed.
We have temporarily fixed the issue by downgrading mod_fcgid.

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