[scripts-announce] Multi-server load distribution

Joe Presbrey presbrey at MIT.EDU
Sat Mar 10 01:54:08 EST 2007

Web serving for scripts.mit.edu (on ports 80 and 443) is now being handled 
by multiple servers using a load distribution system.  Essentially all 
websites should continue working without any complications and without any 
changes being made.  A few relevant technical details follow.

/tmp is being shared among the servers.  All ports other than 25, 80, and 
443 are being directed to a single server, which is also handling all cron 
jobs.  When you ssh to scripts.mit.edu, you will therefore always be 
logging in to the server currently handling cron.

If you have any questions about this transition (or notice any unexpected 
complications), let us know by e-mailing scripts at mit.edu.

Joe Presbrey
presbrey at mit.edu

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