[scripts-announce] IAP Events

Jeff Arnold jbarnold at MIT.EDU
Tue Jan 17 00:03:33 EST 2006

The creators of scripts.mit.edu will be hosting two events this month as 
part of SIPB's IAP class lineup [1].

The first event, entitled "Wikis, Blogs, and Photo Galleries Made Easy" 
will introduce a new service for automatically deploying popular web 
software using an Athena account.  At this presentation, we will introduce 
this new service (which utilizes the scripts.mit.edu infrastructure), 
demonstrate it, and answer questions.  Any questions about scripts.mit.edu 
are welcome at this event.

The second event, entitled "scripts.mit.edu User Forum" is intended to 
provide users of scripts.mit.edu with an opportunity to request new 
features, ask questions, and otherwise get information directly from the 
creators of the service.  If you are interested in learning how the 
service works (specifically, how the service achieves integration with 
Athena and secure user isolation), you might want to come to this event.

Here are the dates, times, and locations:
Wikis, Blogs, etc. Presentation: January 20, 6-7pm, 32-124
scripts.mit.edu User Forum: January 27, 6-7pm, 32-124

As usual, please direct questions to scripts at mit.edu.

[1] The SIPB IAP website (http://sipb.mit.edu/iap) has information about 
other SIPB-sponsored IAP classes.

Jeff Arnold
jbarnold at mit.edu

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