[Sci-tech-public] Reminder: MIT "Hist of Tech" symposium is just 2 weeks away!

Judith Spitzer jspitzer at mit.edu
Mon May 20 13:51:19 EDT 2024

{My apologies if this is a duplicate message or if you have already rsvp'd. - Judy}

Dear all,

You are invited to attend the MIT symposium on "The History of Technology: Past, Present, and Future" organized by Prof. Merritt Roe Smith.  It will be held June 7th  &  8th  in Wong Auditorium on the MIT campus.  In brief presentations, distinguished senior scholars and recently minted Ph.D.s promise to bring fresh perspectives to the history of technology as an academic discipline. The time is ripe to take stock of the field, assess where it currently stands, and ask what next steps might be taken to advance it further.

You are also invited to attend the kickoff event -- a Tour and Reception at the MIT Museum on Thursday evening, June 6 (5-7pm).

ATTACHED is an updated program and historic poster.

The symposium is free and open to the public.  No registration is required.  But, for catering purposes, please let me know if you wish to attend.

Thank you,

Judith Spitzer
Administrative Assistant
Program in Science, Technology, and Society (STS)
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Massachusetts Ave., Room E51-194
Cambridge, MA  02139
Tel.:  617-253-4044;  Email:  jspitzer at mit.edu<mailto:jspitzer at mit.edu>

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