[Sci-tech-public] Living Climate Futures initiative and symposium - April 22-23

Kate Gormley kgormley at mit.edu
Thu Feb 24 11:29:58 EST 2022

Announcing an exciting climate and environmental justice initiative that we in Anthropology have been working on with colleagues in STS and History — including Distinguished Fellow in Native American Studies, David Shane Lowry, and ACLS Emerging Voices postdoctoral fellow, Briana Meier — and the generous support of MITOS and the SHASS Dean’s office.

Living Climate Futures<https://livingclimatefutures.org/> brings together frontline climate and environmental justice activists from across the country, with whom our faculty and fellows have existing relationships. It demonstrates a collaborative approach that does not merely ask after the “social impacts” of climate change and mitigation strategies on diverse communities, but is instead led by research agendas that center community needs, experiences, and priorities.

A two-day, on-campus symposium April 22-23 will feature a series of collaboratively designed events and discussions. Highlights include:
- A virtual conversation with high school environmental justice activists in Southeast Chicago facilitated by 3 of their number who will be with us at MIT;
- A Native American-led celebration and critique in honor of Earth Day (April 22)- Guided environmental justice and climate resillience tours in Chelsea and/or Cambridge;
- Panel discussions among our community partners, including a youth forum on climate.

Check out our website<https://livingclimatefutures.org/>, including an Events<https://livingclimatefutures.org/events> page to sign up and our Blog<https://livingclimatefutures.org/blog> for periodic updates. Please help us spread the word!

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