[Sci-tech-public] [STS EVENTS] Events for the Week of 9/28/2020

Gus Zahariadis gusz at mit.edu
Mon Sep 28 09:30:48 EDT 2020

g Today, Monday, 9/28 | 12NOON - 1:30PM Webinar 

“Is Third Party Mediation Necessary for Resolution of the Dispute in Kashmir”

REGISTER HERE <https://mit.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN__zY1X5ruTwyKVk-P6javOQ>
Guest Speaker: 	The Honorable Shireen Mazari, Minister of Human Rights, Pakistan <http://www.mohr.gov.pk/ProfileDetail/NWY2ZDM2NTQtMTBmMy00NzI0LTliMDktMWQzYTI3NzgxZWVk>
For more information,  see the event page: MIT Radius, Global Peace and Insecurity, A Seminar Series <https://radius.mit.edu/programs/global-peace-and-insecurity-seminar-series> or contact Subrata Ghoshroy, ghoshroy at mit.edu <mailto:ghoshroy at mit.edu>.

g Thursday, October 1 | 4PM - 5:30PM Webinar 

2020 Morison Prize and Lecture in Science, Technology, and Society

REGISTER HERE <https://mit.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_4qJ6VLGyS921W7wnF1QwHA>

Guest Speaker:  	Dr. Alondra Nelson <http://www.alondranelson.com/>

Dr. Alondra Nelson is president of the Social Science Research Council and Harold F. Linder Professor at the Institute for Advanced Study.  A leading scholar of science, technology, and social inequality, she is author most recently of The Social Life of DNA: Race, Reparations, and Reconciliation after the Genome <http://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/250539/the-social-life-of-dna-by-alondra-nelson/>.

In The Social Life of DNA <http://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/250539/the-social-life-of-dna-by-alondra-nelson/>, Dr. Nelson takes us on an unprecedented journey into how the double helix has wound its way into the heart of the most urgent contemporary social issues around race. Artfully weaving together interactions with ​root-seekers alongside illuminating historical details and revealing personal narrative, she shows that genetic genealogy is a new tool for addressing old and enduring issues, including grappling with the unfinished business of slavery, establishing ties with African ancestral homelands, and making legal claims for slavery reparations.

g Friday, October 2 | 2PM - 3PM Webinar 

Cities and the Plague

REGISTER HERE <https://mit.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_8nuN-O1zRZ27d3f5UjUcLQ>

Guest Speakers: 	Cindy Ermus, University of Texas, San Antonio
				Martin Melodi, University of Houston

For more information, please visit MIT History Faculty:  MIT History: 21H.000, The History of Now <https://history.mit.edu/lectures-and-seminars/21h000-history-now>

Gus Zahariadis
Assistant to the Director
MIT Program in Science, Technology, and Society
T: (617) 253-3452
F: (617) 258-8118
gusz at mit.edu

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