[Sci-tech-public] [STS Events] Week of Monday, Nov 16, 2020
Gus Zahariadis
gusz at mit.edu
Mon Nov 16 09:42:31 EST 2020
Monday, 11/16/2020 | 4:00PM-5:30PM
Artificial Intelligence and Ethics <https://sts-program.mit.edu/event/artificial-intelligence-ethics/> - Webinar, discussion panel
REGISTER HERE <https://mit.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_MpdSSsybR1OPNiAl59mN5A>
This event is part of the MIT Comparative Media Studies Writing Colloquia Series in sponsorship with the Anthropology Department, History Faculty, and the STS Program.
Listen in and ask questions for the Q&A portion as the panelists raise the right issues about broader currents in computer science, AI, and society.
Moderator: D. Fox Harrell <https://www.csail.mit.edu/person/d-fox-harrell>, MIT
Panelists: Stephanie Dick <https://hss.sas.upenn.edu/people/stephanie-dick>, UPENN
Paul Dourish <https://www.informatics.uci.edu/explore/faculty-profiles/paul-dourish/>, UC-Irvine
Safiya Noble <https://gseis.ucla.edu/directory/safiya-umoja-noble/>, UCLA
Tuesday, 11/17/2020 | 6:00PM EST-7:30PM EST
GLOBAL PEACE & INSECURITY SEMINAR SERIES: Ten years After Fukushima: The Future of Nuclear Power in Japan
REGISTER HERE <https://mit.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_WqxVc3GeQa6HAJP7DsQE8A>
Speaker: Jun Tateno, Ph.D., Executive Director, Nuclear and Energy-Related
Information Center (NERIC), Tokyo, Japan
The world is facing an unprecedented crises on several fronts. Lack of leadership by the United States has intensified many flash points around the world including nuclear threats and the abandonment of arms control negotiations, bio-safety, climate change, food insecurity, instability and tensions in the East, and increased pressure from nationalists and extremists at home and abroad. This seminar series will capture a subset of these critical issues facing humanity and the planet.
Go HERE <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001qE5KP5kHteJXPSjxYOI7BV45OiUVXUx9QSNA2NVMLp15rVXXmHHcUJJgfq9bRzps7LsC3V2PF6ibAyQhM0IexoO1FIPUjFDu9BeLhXo31jvWkSfN4zmacWLyFvv6WKNFpq8K3QqbUhODrAs37gezlR9SHwuH3vDcgknN78rhbP3atyhCvc0Sf9vhyYoNqeaw3hehSl4xccpJu-I9AtKIZOaEvlQv6tz7f5DHkpEd-SzfE-Z-rbbRY8RlOvWV_q8FPuSuTKoxX0LXkIdSWZLnKcrP-c_GTQ7BeoFDF8XsFBq_wwbrz3fPkSerxZb7Sj2e_lkdV6AFrdom83ap_KVaeMapkW3LzObCmfuuyr_uFaPyi7P30LvnZvl9PTGcRZEWjWPxrki6dsLxT1zRT7HA7RJdLqYvflsmzRx_sO-fwuXd4DGFmJG-unuOT97OTLhW&c=4gghgk9lGuXGQHXcQiaJHp7nqVb9cPuzdpXWn1a4Enf0X42nSMaPmQ==&ch=xgmdKTLTDLRnNMAqjXf9FlS_b12bOzsT2nDNLAULw-xgzGm_7_EaHA==> to read a paper by Mr. Subrata Ghoshroy, MIT STS Program Research Affiliate, published in the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists that examines American Congressional bipartisan support of missile defense.
For more information, see the event page: MIT Radius, Global Peace and Insecurity, A Seminar Series <https://radius.mit.edu/programs/global-peace-and-insecurity-seminar-series>. Please email weinmann at mit.edu <mailto:weinmann at mit.edu> with any questions.
Friday, 11/20/20 | 2:00PM-3:00PM
Sovereignties, Plagues, and Policing <https://history.mit.edu/events/sovereignties-plagues-and-policing/>
REGISTER HERE <https://mit.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_8nuN-O1zRZ27d3f5UjUcLQ>
Guest Speakers: Mary Augusta Brazelton, University of Cambridge
Laura Spinney, independent writer and science journalist
For more information, please visit MIT History Faculty: MIT History: 21H.000, The History of Now <https://history.mit.edu/lectures-and-seminars/21h000-history-now>. Please email elizwood at mit.edu <mailto:elizwood at mit.edu> with any questions.
Gus Zahariadis
Assistant to the Director
MIT Program in Science, Technology, and Society
T: (617) 253-3452
F: (617) 258-8118
gusz at mit.edu
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