[Sci-tech-public] Mark Your Calendars - Next Thursday! (11/1 | 430pm | Bartos Theater) The 2018-19 Arthur Miller Lecture in Science and Ethics: Elections and Technology

Gus Zahariadis gusz at mit.edu
Fri Oct 26 10:19:38 EDT 2018

You are cordially invited to attend the 2018-19 Arthur Miller Lecture in Science and Ethics featuring a lively panel discussion 
on the hot button topic of the day, Elections and Technology.

				Thursday, November 1, 2018
				4:30PM - 6:30PM
				MIT Bartos Theater (E15-070)
				Lower Atrium
				20 Ames Street, Cambridge

Panelists include:	Dan Wallach, Rice University
				Daniel Kreiss, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
				Moon Duchin, Tufts University
				Alex Reiss-Sorokin, MIT

Following the panel discussion, please enjoy the complimentary dinner buffet in the Lower Atrium, which will feature a pasta dish, salads, and a wine and 
cheese bar. We hope you enjoy the event by continuing your own discussions over a nice, simple meal.  

A graduate student led seminar is scheduled to continue the discussion more informally at 730pm.  You are welcome to attend 
this portion as well.  

Kindly RSVP (though not necessary) so that we may have a better headcount for dinner preparation: EventBrite Elections and Technology  <https://www.eventbrite.com/e/mit-elections-and-technology-colloquium-tickets-51308123980>

For more information on the event itself, click here: MIT Computational Cultures Initiative: Elections and Technology <https://computationalcultures.mit.edu/events/2018/elections-and-technology-colloquium>


Gus Zahariadis
Assistant to the Director
MIT Program in Science, Technology, 
and Society

T: (617) 253-3452
F: (617) 258-8118
http://sts-program.mit.edu/ <http://sts-program.mit.edu/>

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