[Sci-tech-public] FW: Bruce Schneier speaking at HUBweek (FREE EVENT)--- Please share with your community members

Paree K Pinkney ppinkney at mit.edu
Tue Sep 22 14:30:02 EDT 2015

Paree Pinkney
Administrative Officer
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Program in Science, Technology, and Society
70 Memorial Drive, e51-163
Cambridge, MA 02139-4307

(617) 253-4084
(617) 258-8118 (fax)

From: "Baker, Natasha R." <nrbaker at seas.harvard.edu<mailto:nrbaker at seas.harvard.edu>>
Date: Tuesday, September 22, 2015 at 1:04 PM
To: stsprogram <stsprogram at mit.edu<mailto:stsprogram at mit.edu>>
Subject: Bruce Schneier speaking at HUBweek (FREE EVENT)--- Please share with your community members

To Whom It May Concern:

My name is Natasha Baker and I am the administrative coordinator for the Institute for Applied Computational Science (IACS) at the Harvard School of Engineering.  I am writing because Bruce Schneier, a security technologist and Berkman Ctr. Fellow, is participating in HUBweek at Harvard with an event being hosted by IACS.  The talk is titled “The Future of Privacy and Security in a Big Data World” and will focus on cyber security.  It is scheduled to be held on Friday, 10/9 from 1-2pm in Science Center Hall B.  Registration is required but the event is FREE AND OPEN to the public.  I’m writing to ask for help promoting the event via your website, mailing list, and social media (please use hashtag #HUBWEEK if you do post via social media).  I think the subject matter is very “on trend” and will appeal to your community members.

FYI: We’re happy to cross-promote your HUBweek events at Harvard SEAS.

Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions.


Natasha Baker | Administrative Coordinator
Institute for Applied Computational Science (IACS)
Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences
Northwest Building B-162, 52 Oxford Street Cambridge, MA 02138
P: 617-496-2623


DESCRIPTION: Data is the exhaust of the information age. When we carry our cell phone, use apps on those phones, browse websites, send emails or texts, drive in our cars, or make purchases with a credit card, we send digital information about where we are, our associations, our interests, and our desires and needs to the corporations that serve us and the governments that monitor us. Because the information is digitized, it is relatively cheap to store, and can be analyzed by computers in great detail.

Join Harvard Berkman Fellow and renowned security technologist Bruce Schneier for a master seminar at Harvard’s Institute for Applied Computational Science on the corporate and government surveillance enabled by the vast amount of digital data available, the tension between privacy and security and the implications for government policy and reform, along with a discussion of the technological and mathematical solutions for reform.

This is a free event. Click to register: http://hubweek.org/events/the-future-of-privacy-and-security-in-a-big-data-world

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