[Sci-tech-public] Yuri's Night, April 11

Randyn A. Miller randyn at mit.edu
Thu Mar 26 13:21:57 EDT 2015

"There are no borders in space between us". That’s what Roscosmos’ Mikhail Kornienko and NASA’s Scott Kelly tell the world as they are about to start their year-long mission on the International Space Station — in preparation for a future Mars mission. There are indeed no borders in space, and space exploration is a challenge that humanity as a whole took up 54 years ago, with the first manned flights by Yuri Gagarin and Alan Shepard in 1961.

To commemorate Gagarin’s pioneering achievement, every April people across the world get together for Yuri’s Night <https://yurisnight.net/>, a fun and inspiring celebration of major space exploration milestones. And this year, which also marks the 40th anniversary of the Apollo Soyuz Test Project, the Knight Science Journalism Program at MIT <https://ksj.mit.edu/> is hosting its very first Yuri’s Night!

Planned for April 11 (a Saturday), our celebration of humanity’s past and future achievements in space will include a space–themed team quiz, a propaganda poster contest, a guest talk by a NYU neuroscientist and a dance party. Expect a lot of international fun and Russians teaching you to say Gagarin’s famous ПОЕХАЛИ.

More information about the party https://ksj.mit.edu/article/2015/02/ksj-yuris-night/ <https://ksj.mit.edu/article/2015/02/ksj-yuris-night/>
RSVP at https://eventbrite.com/event/15884719624/ <https://eventbrite.com/event/15884719624/>


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