[Sci-tech-public] History of Science Lecture, Arnold Arboretum

Randyn A. Miller randyn at mit.edu
Wed Mar 25 08:56:23 EDT 2015

> Eye of the Beholder: Johannes Vermeer, Antoni van Leeuwenhoek, and the Reinvention of Seeing
> Laura Snyder <http://www.stjohns.edu/academics/bio/laura-j-snyder>, PhD, Science Writer and Professor of Philosophy, St. John's University
> 1 Session: Wednesday, April 8, 7:00–8:30pm
> Location: Hunnewell Building <http://arboretum.harvard.edu/wp-content/uploads/HB.pdf>, Arnold Arboretum
> “See for yourself!” was the clarion call of the 1600s. Scientists peered at nature through microscopes and telescopes, making the discoveries in astronomy, physics, chemistry, and anatomy that ignited the Scientific Revolution. Artists investigated nature with lenses, mirrors, and camera obscuras, creating extraordinarily detailed paintings of flowers and insects, and scenes filled with realistic effects of light, shadow, and color. By extending the reach of sight the new optical instruments prompted the realization that there is more than meets the eye. But they also raised questions about how we see and what it means to see. In answering these questions, scientists and artists in Delft changed how we perceive the world. Author of The Philosophical Breakfast Club, a Scientific American Notable Book, Laura Snyder returns to the Arboretum to share her latest book, Eye of the Beholder, in which she pairs painter with natural philosopher to explain the revelatory ways of seeing in the 17th century. 
> Fee $10 Register <https://my.arboretum.harvard.edu/Info.aspx?EventID=1>
> Students: Email <mailto:adulted at arnarb.harvard.edu> or call 617-384-5277 to register for free.
> Pam
> Pamela Thompson
> Manager of Adult Education
> The Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University
> 125 Arborway
> Boston, MA 02130
> 617-384-5277

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