[Sci-tech-public] new film screening, "Merchants of Doubt"

David Kaiser dikaiser at mit.edu
Wed Mar 11 21:58:17 EDT 2015

Hi, all,

As you know, this spring the STS Arthur Miller Lecture on Science and Ethics at MIT will be given on 5 May 2015 at 4pm by Prof. Naomi Oreskes of Harvard. Many of you are familiar with Naomi's book (co-authored with Erik Conway), Merchants of Doubt (2010). A new documentary film based on the book will be released this spring:


The Boston-area premiere of the film will be held at the Kendall Square cinema on Friday and Saturday, 20 and 21 March 2015. After the 7:30pm shows, Naomi will be doing a Q&A discussion with the audience members.

So if you just can't wait until Naomi's Miller Lecture in early May, check out the new film and her discussion next weekend (20-21 March) --


David Kaiser
Germeshausen Professor of the History of Science
Department Head, Program in Science, Technology, & Society
and Senior Lecturer, Department of Physics
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
617 253-4062   dikaiser at mit.edu<mailto:dikaiser at mit.edu>

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