[Sci-tech-public] Fwd: [shass-events] 2015 History Seminar Series: Thursday Jan. 22

Randyn A. Miller randyn at mit.edu
Wed Jan 21 10:48:22 EST 2015

> You are warmly invited to
>  “Selling ‘Self-Made’ Security: Private Insurance Marketing in the
> Post-WWII United States”
> Caley Horan
> Lecturer in History, Princeton University
> This presentation examines strategies adopted by the insurance industry as it worked to transform private insurance into the dominant form of social and economic security in the postwar United States. The presentation analyzes the industry’s use of marketing materials (including print advertisements, school curriculum, and public service campaigns) as tools for intervening in and shaping the political, economic, and social life of the nation. These materials were designed to train a new kind of American insurance consumer and citizen, one who would take responsibility for his or her own security rather than depending on the state or other public entities for provision. By emphasizing reflexive self-management, entrepreneurial investment, and individual responsibility as central components of the insurance enterprise, industry marketing materials encouraged Americans to seek “self-security” through private means and to reject more collective attempts to spread and manage risk.
> E51-275
> 4 – 5:30 PM
> Thursday January 22

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