[Sci-tech-public] FW: [STS-Africa] IFRIS 2014 Call for Applications for Post Doctoral positions

Clapperton Chakanetsa Mavhunga mavhunga at MIT.EDU
Thu Mar 13 12:00:34 EDT 2014

Clapperton Chakanetsa Mavhunga
Associate Professor, Program in Science, Technology, and Society at MIT
Transient Workspaces: https://mitpress.mit.edu/books/transient-workspaces
From: sts-africa-bounces at lists.uni-halle.de [sts-africa-bounces at lists.uni-halle.de] on behalf of Mathieu Quet [mathieu.quet at gmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2014 10:57 AM
To: apstsn at googlegroups.com; sts-africa at lists.uni-halle.de
Subject: [STS-Africa] IFRIS 2014 Call for Applications for Post Doctoral        positions

5 post-doctoral positions are available at the French Institute “Research, Innovation, Society” (Institut Francilien Recherche, Innovation, Société - http://ifris.org/en/). IFRIS welcomes STS scholars, historians, sociologists, political scientists, anthropologists, economists, people working on management sciences or law, and who work on the production, regulation and uses of science and technologies in societies. Research may concern a variety of issues including public health and biomedicine, agricultural sciences and food security, climate change, biodiversity and environmental questions, ICT, big data and internet, regimes of sciences and innovation in society, as well as theoretical questions.

The post-doc fellows selected will undertake an original research project that fits with IFRIS lines of research, notably on the following topics:

  *   Innovation processes, notably bottom up, "responsible" or “social” innovation
  *   Socio-technical transitions and government/governance of change
  *   Property rights and commons
  *   Regulation of techno-scientific activities and their products
  *   Multi-level governance and scales of government
  *   Knowledge and the government of the scientific public sphere
  *   Regimes and institutions of knowledge
  *   Construction of futures

Post-doc fellows will be hosted by one of the IFRIS Research Groups. We highly recommend contacting them as soon as possible since a good integration in the groups is one of the core objectives of the IFRIS post-doc programme:

  *   CAK (Centre Alexandre Koyré), contacts: Dominique Pestre<mailto:pestre.dominique at gmail.com>, Amy Dahan<mailto:Amy.Dahan-Dalmedico at damesme.cnrs.fr>
  *   CERMES3 (Centre de recherche Médecine, Sciences, Santé et Société), Contact: Jean-Paul Gaudillière<mailto:gaudilli at vjf.cnrs.fr>
  *   CEPN (Centre d’Economie de Paris Nord), Contacts: Benjamin Coriat<mailto:coriat at club-internet.fr>, David Flacher<mailto:david at flacher.fr>
  *   CNAM: LIRSA (Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire de Recherche en Science de l’Action), contact: Gilles Garel<mailto:gilles.garel at cnam.fr> et LISE (Labo Interdisciplinaire pour la Sociologie Economique), contact: Jean-Louis Laville<mailto:jean-louis.laville at lise.cnrs.fr>
  *   INRA-SenS (Sciences en Société), Contact: Marc Barbier<mailto:marc.barbier at grignon.inra.fr>
  *   IRD: UMR CEPED (Centre Population et Développement), Contact: Rigas Arvanitis<mailto:rigas at option-service.fr> et UMR PaLoc, Contact: Frédéric Thomas<mailto:frederic.thomas at ird.fr>
  *   LATTS (Laboratoire Techniques, Territoires, Sociétés), Contacts: Ashveen Peerbaye<mailto:ashveen.peerbaye at univ-mlv.fr>, Philippe Larédo<mailto:philippe.laredo at enpc.fr>

Post-doc researchers are eligible for a contract of up to 24 months, under the standard French salary and work status. Contracts start according to candidates’ constraints.


Researchers holding a doctoral degree or having fulfilled all the obligations of a PhD (certified by their supervisor) in a field relevant to the IFRIS research topics. Candidates cannot apply for a post doc in the group where they have prepared their PhD.


Formal applications will include:

  *   A one page resume/CV
  *   A list of publications
  *   A statement of proposed research (in English, 5 to 10 pages) including a (preliminary/provisional) budget for travel expenses. A specific dimension should deal with their contribution to the research agenda of IFRIS (see selection criteria below).
  *   A letter by a member of the hosting research group. The letter will state how the candidate’s project will be integrated in the group and the collaboration and support she will benefit
  *   A reference letter directly sent by their PhD supervisor to IFRIS before June 20th (and for French candidates, their viva report)

Selection criteria

  *   Quality of the research project
  *   Relevance in relation to the IFRIS research strategies (http://ifris.org/en/presentation/)
  *   Quality of the integration of the candidate’s project in the hosting research group
  *   Quality of the candidate

The application will be sent in one single file, pdf format, and will be registered under the following name:

Name_appelpostdoc_IFRIS.pdf (where “name” is the last name of the candidate)

Applications will be sent before May 31st, 2014 to: Julie Rust<mailto:rust at ifris.org>, IFRIS

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