[Sci-tech-public] REMINDER: STS Circle, September 9 - Bridget Hanna (Please RSVP) + Fall STS Circle Schedule

STS sts at hks.harvard.edu
Wed Sep 4 08:07:18 EDT 2013

STS Circle at Harvard
Bridget Hanna
Harvard, Anthropology

The Anthropologist and the Conspiracy Theory: Suspicion and Research after Bhopal

Monday, September 9
12:15-2:00 p.m.
NEW LOCATION: Maxwell Dworkin, 33 Oxford Street, Room 119


Lunch is provided if you RSVP.
Please RSVP to sts<mailto:sts at hks.harvard.edu>@hks.harvard.edu<mailto:sts at hks.harvard.edu> by 5pm Today, September 4.

Abstract: What does conspiracy do to culture, and to the study of knowledge in culture? This talk takes on the problem of the “cyanide controversy” in the treatment of the survivors of the 1984 Bhopal gas disaster, and looks at what the perceived repression of an antidote has done to medical treatment and to possibilities for research on the event in the decades since. It looks at the still dominant of sense of suspicion, and the problem of therapeutic non-specificity that has persisted in Bhopal as a result. At stake is how a foundational conflict over credibility has divided scientists, activists, and government agencies along distinct lines of continued inquiry that are founded on fundamentally different assumptions about the nature of injury, health, and livelihood - with real consequences for patients. Based on recent fieldwork and archival research, I reflect on the consequences of conspiracy theory after the crime.

Biography: Bridget Hanna is a PhD Candidate in the Department of Anthropology at Harvard. Her research is on the medical aftermath of the Bhopal gas disaster, and her dissertation looks at themes of uncertainty, classification, and the narration of environmental causality. She is co-author of The Bhopal Reader, and author of several articles and chapters on the gas disaster, and on global health. She is currently a visiting scholar at the University of Colorado, Boulder.

A complete list of STS Circle at Harvard events can be found on our website:
Follow us on Facebook: STS at Harvard<http://www.facebook.com/HarvardSTS>


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