[Sci-tech-public] REMINDER: STS Circle, October 21 - Yanni Loukissas (Please RSVP)

STS sts at hks.harvard.edu
Wed Oct 16 09:03:10 EDT 2013

STS Circle at Harvard
Yanni Loukissas
Harvard, Berkman Center, metaLAB

Data Narratives of the Arnold Arboretum

Monday, October 21
12:15-2:00 pm
Maxwell Dworkin, 33 Oxford Street, Room 119


Lunch is provided if you RSVP.
Please RSVP to sts<mailto:sts at hks.harvard.edu>@hks.harvard.edu<mailto:sts at hks.harvard.edu> by 5pm Today, Wednesday, October 16.

Abstract: The Internet inspires archives, museums, libraries and arboreta to make their collections more open, participatory, and democratic through data. This cluster of networked-age intellectual values is taking hold at institutions that carry long legacies of prior norms: preservation, expertise, comprehensiveness, excellence and commemoration. In some cases, the emerging values build on older ones; in other cases, they seem to clash. In public discourse, these initiatives and controversies play out in the keys of policy and technology—but they have important cultural dimensions as well. Yet remarkably little critical attention has been given to the changing meanings of collections and collections data. This talk will present work in progress on a multi-site and multi-media ethnography of networked-age collections. As one of the most comprehensive and best-documented living collections of trees, shrubs and vines in the world, Harvard’s Arnold Arboretum plays an important, early role as an exploratory site for the broader initiative.

Biography:  Yanni Alexander Loukissas<http://yloukissas.com> is a Principal at metaLAB<http://metalab.harvard.edu/>, a project of the Berkman Center for Internet and Society<http://cyber.law.harvard.edu/> that explores digital futures for scholarship in the arts and humanities. He is also a Lecturer at the Harvard Graduate School of Design<http://www.gsd.harvard.edu/>. Originally trained as an architect at Cornell University, he subsequently received a Master of Science and a PhD in Design and Computation at MIT. He also completed postdoctoral work in the MIT Program in Science, Technology and Society. He is the author of Co-Designers: Cultures of Computer Simulation in Architecture (Routledge, 2012) and a contributor to Simulation and its Discontents (MIT Press, 2009). Before coming to Harvard, he also taught at Cornell, MIT and the School of the Museum of Fine Arts.

A complete list of STS Circle at Harvard events can be found on our website:
Follow us on Facebook: STS at Harvard<http://www.facebook.com/HarvardSTS>


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