[Sci-tech-public] STS Circle, November 25 - Andrew Barry (Please RSVP)

STS sts at hks.harvard.edu
Mon Nov 18 16:18:12 EST 2013

STS Circle at Harvard
Andrew Barry
University College London, Human Geography

Interrogating the Anthropocene

Monday, November 25
12:15-2:00 pm
Maxwell Dworkin, 33 Oxford Street, Room 119


Lunch is provided if you RSVP.
Please RSVP to sts<mailto:sts at hks.harvard.edu>@hks.harvard.edu<mailto:sts at hks.harvard.edu> by 5pm Wednesday, November 20.

Abstract: How should researchers in science and technology studies understand the emergence and development of the idea of the anthropocene? Does it represent a new era in the history of the global environment, or is it a manifestation of the increasing engagement of geoscientists with questions of environmental governance? Is the anthropocene the latest term in a long history of ideas about the impact of human activity on the Earth’s ecosystems, or should it be understood as a reflection of the accelerating impact of human activity from the late-20th century onwards? In this paper I interrogate the political history of the anthropocene. I highlight, in particular, the relation between interest in the anthropocene and the growth of efforts to monitor, measure and mitigate environmental impacts.

Biography:  Andrew Barry is Professor of Human Geography at University College London. He is the author ofPolitical Machines: Governing a Technological Society (2001) and Material Politics: Disputes along the Pipeline (2013), and co-editor of Foucault and Political Reason (1996), The Technological Economy (2005) and Interdisciplinarity: Reconfigurations of the Social and Natural Sciences(2013).

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