[Sci-tech-public] STS Circle, March 11 - Charles Rosenberg (Please RSVP)

STS sts at hks.harvard.edu
Mon Mar 4 17:58:34 EST 2013

STS Circle at Harvard

Charles Rosenberg
Harvard, History of Science

The Tyranny of Diagnosis: Disease in History and History in Disease

Monday, March 11
12:15-2:00 p.m.
Pierce Hall, 29 Oxford Street, Room 100F


Lunch is provided if you RSVP.
Please RSVP to sts<mailto:sts at hks.harvard.edu>@hks.harvard.edu<mailto:sts at hks.harvard.edu> by 5pm Wednesday, March 6.

Abstract: I have been at work for some time on a book devoted to the development of contemporary disease categories and the diagnostic and bureaucratic tools that both legitimate and in a sense constitute such entities. This presentation is an attempt to present a conceptual rationale and organizational scheme for this book. It will focus on the development of disease specificity, beginning in the nineteenth-century and ending with a discussion of contemporary controversy over the epistemological and policy status of disease categories as acted out in debates over screening and symptom-less disease, the DSM and deviance, therapeutic protocols and pharmaceutical marketing.

Biography: Charles E. Rosenberg is Emeritus Professor of the History of Science and Ernest E. Monrad Professor in the Social Sciences at Harvard University.  He has written widely on the history of medicine and science and is best known for his Cholera Years: The United States in 1832, 1849, and 1866 (Chicago, 1962, new edition, 1987); The Trial of the Assassin Guiteau. Psychiatry and Law in the Gilded Age (Chicago, 1968); No Other Gods. On Science and American Social Thought (Johns Hopkins, 1976, new and expanded edition, 1997); The Care of Strangers. The Rise of America’s Hospital System (Basic Books, 1987); Explaining Epidemics (Cambridge, 1992); and Our Present Complaint: American Medicine, Then and Now (Johns Hopkins, 2007), He has also co-authored or edited another half-dozen books and is currently at work on a history of conceptions of disease during the past two centuries.

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