[Sci-tech-public] June 30-July 2: Science and Democracy Network Annual Meeting, Harvard Kennedy School

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Thu Jun 20 10:24:09 EDT 2013

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SDN 2013 Preliminary Program
June 30 - July 2, 2013
Harvard Kennedy School

Day 1:  Sunday, June 30 - Littauer 150
1:00        Registration
1:15        Welcome (Sheila Jasanoff, Harvard University)
1:30        Introductions and Announcements
2:00        Session 1: Expertise
                Chair: Shobita Parthasarathy, University of Michigan

Angie Boyce, Cornell University
Foodborne Disease Outbreak Detection in the Provisional Pipeline

James Wilsdon, University of Sussex, and Robert Doubleday, University of Cambridge
Hail to the Chief: Experts, Publics and the Future of Scientific Advice in Whitehall

Holger Straßheim, University of Darmstadt
The Embeddedness of Epistemic Authority: Findings from an International and Intersectoral Comparison

Ruha Benjamin, Harvard STS
Provincializing Science: Genomic Sovereignty and the Mapping & Marketing of Populations

4:00        Coffee
4:30        First Plenary: Reflections on Science and Democracy
                Chair: Rob Hagendijk (University of Amsterdam)
                Co-Chairs: Stephen Hilgartner, Clark Miller

Day 2:  Monday, July 1-Rubenstein, G-20

9:30        Session 2: Imaginaries of Sustainability
Chair: Silke Beck, UFZ Leipzig

Gretchen Gano, ASU
Emergent Technology Assessment: Collective Capacities in the Transition Initiative

Elizabeth Hennessy, UNC-Chapel Hill
Re-territorializing Galápagos: Transnational Policy Networks and the Production of an Evolutionary Eden

Abigail Martin, UC Berkeley
In Pursuit of Cellulosic Ethanol: Political Cultures of Innovation in Brazil and the United States
11:00     Coffee
11:30     Second Plenary: Science, Democracy, and the STS Handbook
Co-Chairs:  Clark Miller, ASU; Ulrike Felt, University of Vienna
12:30     Lunch
1:30        Session 3:  Natural Resources
Chair: Clark Miller, ASU

Matthew Kearnes, University of New South Wales
New Water? The Cultural Politics of Waste Water Recycling

Daniel Sarna-Wojcicki, UC Berkeley
The Search for Watershed Democracy in the Klamath

Vikrom Mathur, Center for Science in Society, India
Localizing Global Climate Change: Epistemology of Certainty, Legitimacy and Action

3:30        Coffee

4:00        Session 4: Security and Surveillance
Chair: Ulrike Felt, University of Vienna

Saul Halfon, Virginia Tech
Contesting Human Security Expertise: Technical Practices in Reconfiguring International Security

Brian Lindseth, UCSD
The Ecology of Exterminism and the Liminal Citizens of the "Rat Project"

Tiago Santos Pereira and Paolo Fonseca, Centre for Social Studies (CES), University of Coimbra, Portugal
Carnation Atoms: The Revolution, Democracy and the Nuclear Option in Portugal

Mariachiara Tallacchini and Annibale Biggeri, JRC/SETICS
Making surveillance participatory: empowering citizens through genetics and ICT

7:00        SDN Dinner Reception (Garfield Street)

Day 3:  Tuesday, July 2-Rubenstein G-20

9:00        Session 5:  Citizenship
                Chair: Erik Aarden, University of Maastricht

Margo Boenig-Liptsin, Harvard
Computer Literacy, a Prerequisite for Citizenship in the 21st Century

Carolyn Heitmeyer, University of Sussex
Citizen Engagement Without the State?: Examining the Work of Patient Support Networks in India in the Area of Stem Cell Research and Experimentation

Kellie Owens, Northwestern University
Epistemic Strategies and Boundary Objects in Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Acupuncture vs. Christian Science

Jan-Peter Voß and Nina Amelung, Berlin University of Technology
The Innovation of "Citizen Panels" as a Method of Public Participation: Re-tangling Political and Epistemic Authority, and the Irony of Anti-technocratic Expertise

11:30     Third Plenary: SDN in the Digital Age
                Chair:  Sheila Jasanoff, Harvard University
12:30     Lunch  (Optional: Working Lunch)
                Discussion Leader: Charis Thompson, "A Research Program on Epigenetics"
1:30        Session 6:  Scales of Governance
Chair: Pierre-Benoit Joly, INRA

Silke Beck, Alejandro Esguerra and Christoph Görg, UFZ Leipzig
The Co-production of Scale, Level and Power: The Case of the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MA) and the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES)

Sebastian Pfotenhauer, MIT
Technology, Collaboration, and Learning: Understanding Complex International Innovation Partnerships

David Winickoff, UC Berkeley
Epistemic Jurisdictions: Science, Courts and the Formation of New Federalisms
3:30        Coffee
4:00        Fourth Plenary:  STS in/and the Policy World
Chair:  Daniel Barben, University of Aachen

·         Rob Doubleday, University of Cambridge

·         David Guston, ASU

·         Pierre-Benoit Joly, IFRIS, Paris

·         Shobita Parthasarathy, University of Michigan
5:30        Adjourn

Shana Rabinowich
Program Administrator, Program on Science, Technology and Society
Harvard Kennedy School

Website: http://sts.hks.harvard.edu/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HarvardSTS
Twitter: www.twitter.com/HarvardSTS

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