[Sci-tech-public] Knight Science Journalism at MIT - February Seminars

Eric Strattman ejstratt at MIT.EDU
Wed Jan 30 13:42:49 EST 2013

Knight Science Journalism at MIT
February Seminars
All seminars are from 4:30pm to 6pm in the Knight Science conference room E19-623, 400 Main St., Cambridge, MA on the MIT campus. 

Tuesday, 2/5
Knight Seminar
Dr. Salmaan Keshavjee, Dept. of Social Health and Global Medicine at Harvard

Thursday, 2/7
Where's the Visual in Science Journalism? Making a case to include graphics in your work
Felice Frankel, Science photographer and Research Scientist

Thursday, 2/14
Knight Seminar
Robert Langer, David H. Koch Institute Professor, MIT

Thursday, 2/21
Why smart computers can't pass the Turing test...yet
Patrick Winston, Professor, CSAIL at MIT

Tuesday, 2/26
Climate Change and What it Means for Extreme Weather
Kerry Emanuel, Professor of Atmospheric Science at MIT

Eric Strattman
ejstratt at mit.edu
Administrative Assistant
Knight Science Journalism at MIT - ksj.mit.edu 
Twitter - @KSJatMIT

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