[Sci-tech-public] REMINDER: STS Circle, March 4 - Ryan Shapiro (Please RSVP)

STS sts at hks.harvard.edu
Wed Feb 27 03:59:20 EST 2013

STS Circle at Harvard

Ryan Shapiro

"A vote against beagles is a vote against apple pie": Pentagon Poison Gas Experiments, 1973-1975

Monday, March 4
12:15-2:00 p.m.
Pierce Hall, 29 Oxford Street, Room 100F


Lunch is provided if you RSVP.
Please RSVP to sts<mailto:sts at hks.harvard.edu>@hks.harvard.edu<mailto:sts at hks.harvard.edu> by 5pm Today, February 27.

Abstract: In the conflagrant summer of 1973, with U.S. bombs raining upon Indochina and Watergate hearings toppling a president, many Americans focused their outrage on the fate of 200 beagle puppies in Pentagon gas experiments. Despite its ultimate failure to result in substantive regulation of animal experimentation, the feud over Pentagon beagles drew upon and engendered seismic shifts in Americans’ understandings of themselves in relation to their government, medicine, military, and animals. This talk explores the 1973-1975 “Battle of the Beagles” and the nexus of science, species, and security within which it was waged.

How did antivivisectionists nearly secure significant regulation of military experimentation on animals? What was the relationship between the beagle controversy and simultaneously unfolding controversies over Pentagon and CIA human experimentation? How did the beagle fight feed upon and complicate efforts to define the relationship between animal experimentation and American security? How did the beagle contest help usher in a nascent movement not against animal experimentation but for “animal rights”? Finally, how did calls for the “Freedom of Science” respond to cries of “Freedom for all”?

Biography: Ryan Shapiro is an ABD doctoral candidate in the Department of Science, Technology, & Society at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. His research explores controversies over animal use and protection in historical and scientific context. He is particularly interested in confluences between disputes over animals and national security. His dissertation in progress, Bodies at War: Animals, The Freedom of Science, and National Security in the United States, 1899-1979, examines debates over animal experimentation and American security from the dawn of the twentieth century to the emergence of the modern animal rights movement.

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