[Sci-tech-public] Call for Papers: Harvard STS/Anthropology Confrence, April 25-26, 2013
Mads Dahl Gjefsen
m.d.gjefsen at tik.uio.no
Mon Feb 11 18:34:28 EST 2013
*_Navigating a Multispecies World: A Graduate Student Conference on the
Species Turn_*
APRIL 25-26, 2013
Co-sponsored by the Harvard Program on Science, Technology, and Society
(STS), the Harvard Department of Anthropology, the MIT Department of
Anthropology, and the Harvard Political Ecology Working Group (PEWG).
We invite papers for a multidisciplinary graduate student conference to
be held at Harvard University from April 25 - April 26, 2013.
Our confirmed speakers include Noam Chomsky (Institute Professor &
Professor of Linguistics, Emeritus, MIT) and Stefan Helmreich (Elting E.
Morison Professor of Anthropology, MIT).
This conference concerns the recent innovations and insights for the
study of ontologies and socialities engendered through the "species
turn" -- that is, the intellectual turn to, and reflection upon, life
beyond the human species in the arts, humanities, and social sciences.
Emerging over the last few decades of the 20th century, the species turn
developed (1) from a diverse array of analytical and theoretical
formations concerned with aspects of the nonhuman (animate and
inanimate), including actor-network theory, affect theory, animal
studies, assemblage theory, the new materialism, and systems theory; and
(2) in productive tension with a parallel intellectual development --
posthumanism -- articulated through such innovative theoretical work as
Katherine Hayles' /How We Became Posthuman/ and Cary Wolfe's /What Is
Posthumanism?/ While all approaches//hold their own particular aims,
objects, and methodologies, they//urge us to consider that we, humans,
are not alone. That is, we live in a world populated by and constituted
through life forms and forms of life beyond the human. And as such, we
must critically reconsider who "we" are in terms that challenge the
limitations and dangers of anthropocentrism.
We welcome papers from any discipline on topics including, but not
limited to:
- Animal rights
- Chimeras
- Human-nonhuman relations
- Interspecies solidarity
- Kinship
- Multispecies biopolitics
- Nonhuman agency
- Nonhuman ethics
- Nonhuman subjectivity
- Nonhuman ontology
- Representations of nonhumans
- Species concept
Please submit abstracts of up to 350 words by February 28, 2013, to
multispeciesworld at gmail.com <mailto:multispeciesworld at gmail.com>. If you
have any questions, please send them to multispeciesworld at gmail.com
<mailto:multispeciesworld at gmail.com>. Acceptances will be sent by March
14, 2013.
Mads Dahl Gjefsen
PhD candidate
Centre for Technology, Innovation and Culture
University of Oslo
Program on Science, Technology and Society
Harvard Kennedy School
(+47) 976 88 006
(+1) 857-756-0580
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