[Sci-tech-public] Knight Science Journalism at MIT Seminar, Thursday April 25

Eric Strattman ejstratt at MIT.EDU
Tue Apr 23 12:44:45 EDT 2013

The Art of Science Television

Thursday, April 25, 2013 - 4:30pm, Knight Conference Room, E19-623, 400 Main St., MIT Campus
1983-'84 Knight/Bush Fellow

Paula Apsell, Senior Executive Producer, Nova; Director, WGBH Science Unit. 

Paula S. Apsell is the Senior Executive Producer of NOVA, now in its 38th season. Apsell has overseen the production of hundreds of science documentaries, including The Elegant Universe with Brian Greene, Origins and Evolution.

In 2005, Apsell introduced acclaimed spinoff NOVA scienceNOW, hosted by Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson. NOVA is the most watched science series on American television and the most visited website on PBS.org and has won every major broadcasting award, including the Emmy, the Peabody, and the dupont-Columbia Gold Baton. Apsell has been recognized with numerous individual awards and has served on several boards including the Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History.

       http://ksj.mit.edu/      *      knight-info at mit.edu     *      617-452-3513

Eric Strattman
ejstratt at mit.edu
Administrative Assistant
Knight Science Journalism at MIT - ksj.mit.edu 
Twitter - @KSJatMIT

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